Education system of the world And the education system of Pakistan

World’s Education System Vs Pakistan’s Education System Currently, Finland ranks first in terms of education ranking, while the superpower America is ranked twenty.

In 2023, Finland has become the only country in the world where there is no such thing as a subject. Any school in Finland has a limit of 195 kids. While one teacher for 19 children.

The longest break in the world is also in Finland, children spend 75 minutes of their school time in the break. The second place is 57-minute breaks in the schools of New York. instead of giving such a long break, they will take the children out of school the next day. Curiously, there are just 20 hours of showing in schools in an entire week, while educators burn through two hours a day to day to work on their abilities.

There is no school in the entire country for youngsters under seven years old and no conventional assessment of any sort before the age of 15. A maths educator asked do you show kids and he grinned and said: I train them to be content and satisfy others since that way they can tackle each inquiry of life easily.

Now take the example of Japan. Take the case of Japan, where kids are educated in just a single subject up to the 3rd grade: morals and habits. Hazrat Ali (RA) expressed, “On the off chance that there is no writing, there is no religion. I don’t have the foggiest idea how Hazrat Ali (RA) of Japan.” knows and why we don’t have the foggiest idea about this yet, be that as it may, the obligation of activity on it.

One of our friends went to Japan

One of our friends went to Japan and upon reaching the airport, he introduced himself that he was a teacher and then he thought that he might be the Prime Minister of Japan. The late Ashfaq Ahmed once needed to go to court in Italy. He likewise presented himself that I am an educator. He forms that each person in the court, including the adjudicator, stood up from their seats.

Furthermore, on that day I understood that the mystery of the distinction of the countries is in the distinction of the educators, this is the mystery of the advancement and rise and fall of countries.

Social Studies is not taught in Japan

Social Studies is not taught in Japan because it is something to be taught not to be taught and they are teaching their generation very well how to socialize.

From the time they come to school at 8:00 am to 10:00 am, the whole school including children and teachers is engaged in cleaning. It is written and teachers copy it on the board.

Children reprint the same on the copy Teachers give the same copied and printed material in the exam Mark the important questions by themselves and make the paper by themselves and check it by themselves and mark it by themselves Children They also issue the pass or fail decision themselves And the parents continue to applaud this result and sing praises of the children’s intelligence and ability, whose children fail, they continue to regret this result and continue to taunt their children with weak brains and dull minds.

For 13-14 years, we make the children stand in a queue and do the assembly, and as soon as they finish school, they break the queue and do their work. Talent knows that students spend all their time in school studying science and you will not find a scientist in the whole country.

Because unfortunately science is a matter of learning and self-experimentation and we tend to ignore even that. are so we have passing marks 65 and for sub 32.5

Years later, in 1860, the passing marks were changed to 33 for the convenience of teachers and we were also busy searching for the intelligence of our children with these 33 numbers.

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