General Zia ul Haq Cricket diplomacy between Pakistan and India

At a time when the armies of Pakistan and India were standing eye to eye on the borders, the then President of Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, arrived in India with a delegation of 68 members. His visit was to watch a cricket match, but Indian officials were not ready to believe that the visit could lead to any progress between the two countries

The General wants to go to Jaipur to watch the match, you will go with him Then someone extended his hand to General Zia in a warm and most unfriendly manner Seeing that General Zia had a smile on his face despite such a heavy head, I thought that this person has such a strong nerve.

While these thoughts were stirring in my mind that General Zia spoke a few words in a whisper, I saw that Rajiv Gandhi’s forehead became sweaty as soon as he heard these words. This incident has been narrated by Boramenen who was Special Adviser to the Indian Prime Minister in 1987 What General Zia whispered to Rajiv Gandhi and why he began to feel anxious is a story of some detail and its background even more so. It was on November 18, 1986, when the Indian Army started a military exercise called Rastic and for this purpose gathered near the Pakistani border in Rajasthan.

What was the number between Indian Army exercises?

Regarding how big these exercises were and how many soldiers were participating in them, Prof. Iram Khalid has written in his research paper concerning the official sources of India that the world has not seen such large war exercises since the Second World War. The same information was provided by an Indian columnist Kiran Bashi in an Indian defense web magazine, Difference Exp, Dr. Shafqat Hashmi, a professor at Georgia University, wrote that these exercises were bigger than any NATO military exercise. What was the purpose of the plan for these military exercises?

Prof. Alam described the three objectives of these military drills in this regard Different sources have given different figures, and Defense Exp has written that the number could be between four and six hundred thousand.

According to Dr. Shafqat, this number was up to 500,000 in terms of area. Dr. Shafqat writes about how wide the range of these muskets was from the Indian state of Rajasthan, that is, from Bahawalpur and Rahim Yar Khan in Pakistan to the maritime borders of Pakistan. was extensive up to the Creek and was supported by the Indian Air Force Jaguar and MiG aircraft of the Indian Air Force participated in this operation, and these aircraft reportedly violated Pakistan’s air borders at times.

From the beginning, the attention of the international media was focused on such a large gathering of the army on the border of the two traditional rival countries of the subcontinent.

Krishna Swami Sunderji, the former Indian Army chief who called it a warmongering activity, disagreed. He said the activity was always for training purposes

  So how did conflicting perceptions of these muskets become stronger? He says that he does not have the answer to this question

Was the Indian Army carrying out exercises on such a large scale with far-reaching effects with the permission of the government?

Indian defense observers write that there was a security threat, a threat, given that Pakistan deployed its army and the Southern Air Command near the Indian border.

Pakistan felt that its nuclear facilities might be attacked during this time Due to this, the security arrangements were tightened and the army went on high alert

Dr. Muhammad Aslam Khan Niazi, a Brigadier of the Armed Forces of Pakistan, asked what the purpose of these exercises was from Pakistan’s point of view. I have written that Sunderji, who was the head of the Indian Army at that time, used to dream that he would play his master stroke like an expert swordsman, cut Pakistan into two parts, and crush Pakistan in this desert. There will be no problem

In this way, the balance of power between the two countries, which has been running since 1947, will end

Analysis by international analysts

Brigadier Aslam’s apprehension is also confirmed by an article written by Professor P.R. Chari of the Institute of Peace and Conflict, New Delhi. should be done from Sindh so that Pakistan’s nuclear capability is eliminated before it becomes a reality

The prominent defensive position is written by Robert Art in his book The Use of Force Military Power International Politics That the suspicions raised in Pakistan’s mind as a result of such large-scale military exercises were unwarranted And it was not the result of any accident but it was a well-thought-out plan of General Sundarji

They wanted to confuse Pakistan through these exercises so that it would take any countermeasures

This action will allow them to attack Pakistan’s nuclear facilities

Robert Art’s fear of an attack on Pakistan’s nuclear facilities is also confirmed by some other sources. An Indian writer, Banopiya, has written concerning a Pakistani scientist that in those days, meetings were held day and night in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense.

In which the possible Indian attack on Pakistan’s nuclear facilities and its prevention were considered. In this regard, in 1981, the armed forces of Pakistan were permanently ordered to be ready at all times.

Pakistan has also deployed its troops on the border

To deflect any such attack, the author writes that as soon as the Bra Stack exercises began, Pakistan deployed its ground forces, the Southern Air Command, on the Indian-Punjab border. A few days after this operation, the Pakistan Navy deployed warships and submarines in the northern region of the Arabian Sea. By September 1987, the situation had deteriorated to such an extent that the armies of both countries were at each other’s throats.

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Why was Pakistan feeling that its nuclear facilities could be attacked by India?

The answer to this question comes from US State Department documents that were declassified a few years ago

International pressure on both countries

According to these documents, US President Ronald Reagan felt threatened that if Pakistan continued to enrich uranium and it exceeded the specified limits, then India would attack Pakistan’s nuclear facilities as a result of this attack. A complete war may have broken out between the US President had conveyed this information to General Zia-ul-Haq through non-papers and letters.

Sensation in Pakistan was also caused by another reason. In the middle of January, news was published in Pakistan’s English newspaper, Pakistan Times. Withdraw your army

Pakistani troops were deployed in the Malacca areas along the Pakistan border in Rajasthan following an unusual gathering of Indian troops

After this demand of India, the tension increased further and Pakistan’s army and air forces immediately went on high alert.

After these reports, the clouds of war in the region were covered, the effects of which were also felt at the global level. Danskop of the prominent American embassy wrote that after these reports, there were contacts between the United States and the Soviet Union to avoid this crisis. He also mentioned US President Donald Reagan’s telephone conversations with General Zia-ul-Haq and Rajiv Gandhi in this regard. He said that he had urged both the leaders to end the tension. This was the background in

General Zia-ul-Haq’s visit to India and sweat on Rajiv Gandhi’s face

which General Zia-ul-Haq decided to visit India in 1987.

It was reported that he had been invited by the Indian Cricket Board, but when Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was informed of the visit, he had no intention of welcoming him.

But on the advice of close advisers and the opposition in it, he decided to welcome them But his manner was cold

General Zia kept a smile on his face when he realized Rajiv Gandhi’s attitude At the same time he got up to leave for Jaipur, he addressed Rajiv Gandhi in his presence and said that if you want to attack Pakistan, do it, but remember that after this attack, the world will forget Genghis Khan and Halaku Khan only. Zia ul Haq will remember Rajiv Gandhi

This war will not be conventional but nuclear, Pakistan may be wiped out as a result of this war Muslims will continue to exist in the world because there are many countries of Muslims in the world, and only Hindus are left. So remember, if India is wiped out as a result of this disaster, the name and mark of Hindus will be wiped out from all over the world

General Zia-ul-Haq’s threat to Rajiv Gandhi

If you don’t order your army to withdraw before my return, only one word of fire will come out of my mouth as soon as I reach Pakistan. Buhramenan wrote in India Today that at that moment I looked at General Zia and thought that this man could turn the subcontinent into a pile of ashes.

Federal Minister Raja Zafar ul Haq now confirms the meeting between General Zia ul Haq and Rajiv Gandhi and the dialogue during it but does not confirm the details that Bahraman describes.

He said that Zia-ul-Haq had personally told him the details of the meeting with Rajiv Gandhi. When Rajiv Gandhi got up to leave, Zia-ul-Haq asked him to listen to me

Saying this, he took his host aside and said what you have, we also have nuclear power, so you should withdraw your troops from the borders.

Zia-ul-Haq told me that Rajiv Gandhi’s sweat broke out on hearing this Raja Zafar-ul-Haq Bahra does not consider this statement of Menon to be correct he said that General Zia referred to some historical figures on this occasion He said that the event of the destruction of the subcontinent, Muslims will continue to exist in this world But the Hindus will be wiped out from this sphere

After General Zia visited India, the situation changed completely. On February 27, the official delegation of India reached Islamabad. As a result of these negotiations, an agreement was reached between the two countries.

As a result of this agreement, the forces of Pakistan and India moved to their pre-tension positions Years after the incident, noted commentator Satik Diswas mentioned a phrase of General Zia in a report

General Zia while addressing the journalists said why are you ignoring my sixes compared to India’s bouncer.

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