
UK warns of Russia laying ‘sea mines’ to deter Black Sea cargo ships

Russia may use mines against civilian shipping in the Black Sea and lay mines as far as Ukrainian ports, Britain has cited intelligence sources as saying.

The shipwreck came as 12 Ukrainian cargo ships were on their way to a Ukrainian port in the latest maritime blockade of Ukraine by Russia.

On the other hand, the British Foreign Office has issued a statement in which it has been said that Russia has stopped civilian ships traveling through the humanitarian corridor from Ukraine to facilitate the export of grain from Black Sea ports. is considering the use of sea mines.

A statement from the Foreign Office said Russia was “almost certainly” trying to protect civilian ships from sinking.

It added that while releasing our assessment of this intelligence, the UK would do everything possible to prevent any such incident from occurring.

British Foreign Secretary James Cleverley has been quoted as saying that the world is watching what happens in the Black Sea, Russia’s implicit attempts to attack Ukraine.

Russia in July pulled out of an agreement that allowed Ukraine to safely export food products from the Black Sea, traditionally Ukraine’s main transit route.

Shortly thereafter, Ukraine warned that ships near its Black Sea ports would be perceived as potential supporters of Kyiv’s efforts and parties to the Ukrainian conflict.

Britain has said Russia has carried out drone and missile attacks on Ukrainian ports, which have so far damaged 130 infrastructure and destroyed nearly 300,000 tons of grain, enough to feed 1 million people for a year. It was enough.

Ukraine responded by establishing a temporary humanitarian corridor in the Black Sea for cargo ships willing to travel to its ports and take the risk that many cargo ships have since used this route.

Ukrainian Navy spokesman said.

“We are preparing more than 20 ships to sail to and from Bahraini ports,” a Ukrainian Navy spokesman said.

A spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy said that we have 12 cargo ships to go and 10 cargo ships to go, but did not say when they would leave the waterway.

He further said that the Ukrainian ships are passing through the waters of Ukraine, and the defense forces of Ukraine are always ready to protect the citizens and ships, these ships are passing through the waters of Bulgaria, Turkey, and Romania. All these countries are also going to be member countries of NATO.

at least 127,000 tons of grain

Local Ukrainian authorities and lawmakers have reported that at least seven ships have entered Ukrainian waters in the past several days and at least 127,000 tons of grain have been sent abroad by these seven ships.

From its river ports, Kyiv accelerated access to Romanian and then international markets by water and road.

Moscow annexed Crimea and the port city of Sevastopol on Russia’s Black Sea fleet in Ukraine after the grain deal ended.

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