Former US President Obama’s austerity

Former US President Obama wore the same dress over and over again during his eight years in office. Mrs. Obama revealed the secret.

Obama, who was the president of the world’s most powerful country for eight years, was an exemplary citizen

After John F. Candy, the best-dressed president of the United States would turn out to be so frugal.

This secret of former US President Mr. Obama was revealed by Mrs. Obama

When Obama was in office for eight years, the guests who came for the meeting did not change, so their clothes did not change.

For eight years, they welcomed those who wore the same white and black clothes and shoes

Mrs. Obama’s Style Talks But Mr. Obama’s Spending Doesn’t

Be it the beautiful dress, the jewelry, the hairstyle, or the smile, Mrs. Obama’s eyes are on point

Mrs. Obama has never worn the same dress she once wore as First Lady, but the former US president has worn the same dress over and over again during her eight-year tenure.

According to a report published in 2017, this interesting revelation was made by former US President Barack Obama’s wife during a conference in California.

He said that Obama had been wearing the same white and black dress and shoes for eight years at events at the White House

Unbeknownst to anyone, Mrs. Obama also revealed that Obama would put on an old suit and get ready in ten minutes and ask me how long it would take madam to get ready.

For the first time in 2015, the annual report of the bank account of the then US President Barack Obama was released from Washington.

It was revealed that Barack Obama’s bank account has only one thousand and one dollars these days, which means that this amount is one hundred thousand rupees in Pakistani currency, although at that time Obama was the powerful president of the superpower country.

It should be remembered that Barack Obama was the first black American to hold the office of president in the United States. Barack Obama, who was elected twice, served as the president of the United States for 44 years from 2009 to 2017.

During a conversation with a journalist in January 2017 after resigning from the presidency, former President Obama revealed that the White House did not get free tissue papers, but had to buy toothpaste and orange juice.

At the end of every month, you have to pay the expenses of the house, vacations are also at your own expense.

He said that in the White House, he used to buy personal items for himself and his family with his own money.

The former president of the United States used to say that the only thing I didn’t spend on was a Secret Service plane and contacts because I had no control over them. I often did not have my wallet with me

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