There are two ways in which cancer can be completely eradicated

Gupta Parsat Reddy, a cancer specialist at Osh State Medical University, Moscow, Russia, says that cancer is not a fatal disease Rather, people die from it only because of indifference According to him, if only two methods are followed, cancer can be eradicated

Cancer can be eradicated in two ways

The number one way is to first stop eating all kinds of sugar because if you don’t get sugar in your body, the cancer cells will die naturally or naturally.

Number two, after that, mix a spoonful of lemon in a glass of warm water, drink this hot water mixed with lemon every morning on an empty stomach before eating, and give it some time to eat, cancer will disappear.

A study by the Maryland College of Medicine found that it is a thousand times better than chemotherapy Number three is to eat three spoons of organic coconut oil daily morning and night, it will cure cancer

Taking any two of the following remedies after avoiding sugar will not hurt cancer There is no excuse for negligence or indifference To save people from cancer, Gupta Prasad has been spreading this information for the last five years on various media including social media

Gupta Parsad Reddy is a humanitarian

He requested to spread this information to give everyone a chance to know. He said, I have done my job, now you do your job and save people around you from cancer. Cancer specialist Gupta Prasad Reddy is not only a doctor but also a messiah. We pray to Allah Almighty to fill Gupta Prasad’s life with happiness. According to our belief, he is not a Muslim but he is a human being.

As humanity, has spread this message through social media, if they wanted, they could have made some chemicals from the same ingredients and made medicines and given them in the market, from which they could have profited millions and millions of dollars. But instead of seeing this worldly benefit, he adopted the profession of prophets Follow the way of the Prophets, do good to the people, may Allah bless them and make their life in the Hereafter easy.

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