The latest news of the war between Israel and Palestine Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s brutal threats signed the declaration of war.

Israel’s 24-hour ultimatum to the Palestinians to vacate the Gaza Strip Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s brutal threats signed the declaration of war.

In the Israeli army on the second day, the color of lost the army has increased to 600. More than 8 thousand rockets have been fired in different cities of Israel.

Israel was among the dead The commander of an elite unit of the Israeli forces, including top military and police officers, was also killed. Photos of the capture of Major General Nimrod Aluni went viral. Mujahideen of Hamas stopped the supply and continued the attacks from the naval and air side.

The attack on Israel Gaza with full force and 400 Palestinian martyrs, more than 1000 injured, an aerial bombardment on many multi-storied buildings in Gaza, buildings were turned into piles of rubble, schools, houses, and towers were also piled up.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation condemned Israel’s actions

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation condemned Israel’s actions, demanded resistance from the international community, blamed Israel for the current situation, and stopped the Israeli aggression against the Palestinians.

Labnan resistance organization Hizballah also jumped into the fray. Hizballah joined with Hamas and attacked three Israeli checkpoints. Israeli forces shelled the Lebanese border area. Israel closed schools across the country. Despite fierce clashes, former Israeli footballer Liya was killed as a result of a party attack by Israelis near the border.

The Arab League has demanded an immediate stop to the conflict. The call of the Saudi Foreign Minister to the American counterpart immediately war the Saudi foreign minister’s agreement on the ban, Qatari, we call all of them as well.

America stands with Israel Biden condemns Hamas attacks.

US Secretary of State Antoni Blanken’s Egyptian action is the most distant on the cease-fire.

Linking There are reports

of several Americans missing and dead in Israel. Israel, not Qatar, is responsible for the continuous increase in violence. European countries also condemn Hamas attacks.

An emergency meeting of the Security Council will be held tomorrow on the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Israel’s stock market plunges after war, business halted Israeli forces bombed banks in Gaza, hitting two banks.

Islamic countries demand an immediate stop to aggression. Thousands of Muslims in various countries are on the streets in Lebanon, Yemen, Iran, and Bahrain, rallies in support of Palestine, Palestinian flags are raised and slogans against Israel are raised.

Two Israelis were killed in the shooting of a police officer in Egypt. They reacted strongly to the barbaric acts. Two Israelis who were on a tour in Egypt were shot at. The Egyptian guide who was with them was also killed. Two Thai citizens were also killed in Israel. A Cambodian citizen was also killed.

The President of Pakistan has said

The President of Pakistan has said Peace is not possible without condemning the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Time has passed to implement the resolutions of the United Nations. The international community should play a major role in the cause of peace.

The Israeli army says Israel says that fighting is still going on at eight locations of Hamas.

The Israeli army also claimed to have retaken control of 22 locations in southern Israel, and Hamas says it is currently engaged in heavy fighting with the Israeli army inside Israel.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that his country is entering a long and difficult war. According to him, this war has been imposed on them by Hamas. And advised people to take shelter there.

Until now, more than 250 Palestinians have been killed due to Israeli airstrikes.

Until now, more than 250 Palestinians have been killed due to Israeli airstrikes. Palestinian officials say that the sounds of explosions are still coming. To avoid these attacks, people are preparing food in schools run by the United Nations. As a result of Hamas attacks, at least 250 people have been killed so far. According to the Israeli embassy in the United States, after Hamas’s naval and air strikes, a hundred Israeli soldiers and civilians have also been kidnapped. The Hizbullah group has also jumped into the ongoing fighting between Hamas and the Israeli military. Hizbullah has been asked to refrain from getting involved in this conflict.

Journalist Iram Abbasi of Voice of America’s Urdu Service has spoken to journalist Harinder Mishra in Israel.We asked Harinder Musharraf to tell us what is the overall situation at this time.

If there is a question, there is not so much tension here. The people who are here are in their homes. The roads look empty.

There are no people on the roads. Cars are not even moving on the roads.

Have been instructed to remain in their homes or stay near the shelter houses and as you said here in the morning after 15 minutes of 6:00 a.m. the sirens continued to sound continuously in Jerusalem and we all had to go to the shelters.

Having to resort to houses, we were hiding there for a long time and when the siren stopped, we were going back to our houses as far as the southern region of Azrael is concerned, which is food. It is said that there are still clashes between Hamas operatives and Israeli soldiers there.

Many Israeli soldiers and civilians have been captured by Hamas in its wars.

Iram Abbasi Question to Harendar Mishra According to reports, about 200 Israelis have been killed in these attacks. Palestinians have also been killed. You have said that hostages have also been taken. How many Israelis have been taken hostage so far and secondly, how big is the attack in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, see here in history.

This is probably the biggest attack of 2006, which did not have so many casualties in the war with Lebanon, while the war lasted for about 35 days, and in this war, which Israel has called a war, the Israeli Prime Minister said. That this is a war and we will be successful in this war, then the Israeli army has seen it as a war.

The Israelis, who are the defense minister, made a statement a little while ago in which they It has been clearly stated that things will not be the same as they were before and that the action that is being taken by Israel will come to its full end.

When he was to be the president of the area and also the commander, the Israeli leaders created a lot of obstacles for him, due to which he was never able to do a big operation in the diet, he says that Israel’s attack on Israel will be a complete attack on Israel until Hamas is completely weakened.

There have been more casualties than the curtain. It is being said by the Ministry of Health that more than 1,000 people are injured, and many more people are injured, so there has never been such a large attack on Israel before, and especially If you see, not even a whole day has happened, in a few hours Israel has never seen such a big attack.

Iram Abbasi Question to Harendar Mishra The question that is being raised at this time is how big of a failure the professional Israeli intelligence agencies and their entire system are that these attacks on such a large scale and in such a systematic way could be carried out by the Hamas group.

Here it is being seen by political analysts as a huge intelligence failure, although it has not yet been revealed in full detail how despite the presence of so many surveillance cameras and the deployment of the army in such large numbers.

Hamas operatives have been fired into Israel with the help of rockets. It can be assumed that the Paragliders have come from above, but many Israeli Hamas operatives have penetrated Israel.

This is considered to be a very large intelligence pillar, even some people say that Israel may have been so concerned about Iran’s nuclear program that he may not have his back. He did not see the things that were happening around him. There have been many people who are in the reserves or many who are soldiers, who have boycotted.

It is believed that the differences within Israel may have had a great impact on it. Let me also tell you that the Israeli pilots of Israel have killed a large number of I had said that they would not participate in any further operations, so because of such things, it was believed that the Israeli army was badly affected and the Israeli army was also weakened.

Harinder Mishra will tell us that we have seen that politically, the relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia were gradually softening. If we talk about world politics, the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia Yes, they have been restored. In this way, these attacks, while Israel itself is declaring war, what are the consequences on the relations between Israel and the Muslim world?

Look at the reaction of the Muslim world after the war, Saudi Arabia has also said that everyone should exercise restraint and try to stop this war in some way and so on.

His statements have been heard by the rest of the Islamic countries, but the situation in Israel and the huge attack on Israel and the kind of enthusiasm the leaders here have now and the kind of I don’t think they will be able to stop Israel in the current domestic political environment, and if there is an increase in tension, the chances of that happening are very high.

And it looks like something like this, it looks like something like this is being created, so it will have a bad effect on the negotiations that were going on regarding the normalization.

Israel’s occupation for so many years, which the UN also declares illegal, violence against Palestinians has been ongoing for a long time by Israel, and now the position is taken by Palestine that its citizens in this dispute. More have been killed and these actions are in response to the violence that Israel has been perpetrating on Palestinians for years.

And if you look at the ongoing war between Israel, the Islamic organizations Hamas and Islamic Jihad do not recognize Israel and Israel also considers them to be terrorist organizations.

The talks were never held in the mediation of Egypt. After that, after a few months or a few months, the war started again, so this kind of pattern has been continuously created.

There is no role for the Palestinian administration, what is in the language of Dubai, what is the statement about the rights of the Palestinians, there is no party in it, this fight is the fight between Hamas Islamic Jihad and Israel.

As these two parties do not recognize each other, there is no room for dialogue.

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