10 Ways to Beat the Cold

If you want to avoid a cold, then you can avoid cold by following these 10 methods, otherwise, cold will not leave you anywhere, and you will get seriously ill.


Number one, make sure to protect your ears and keep them warm otherwise the cold can make you sick A warm handkerchief or other warm cloth should be wrapped around the ears


Never walk barefoot in the cold, even if you want to walk indoors, don’t walk barefoot at all Closed shoes and socks must be worn

3.Boiled egg

Must eat a boiled egg at least twice It is better if the local egg is available, otherwise, farm eggs can also be used

4.Seasonal fruits

Must use the seasonal fruits that come in winter This will generate energy in your body and increase immunity against cold You can afford it according to your status. Must-eat is fine

5.Luke warm water

Most people don’t drink water in winter, they don’t feel the intensity of water, so you must use water, especially if you use lukewarm water, well and good. Or if you can afford it, use fruit juice You have benefited a lot in protection from cold


Do not sit inside the house with the heater running in the cold, but when you see that the sun is out, you must take the heat of the sun. You will not be deficient in vitamin D If you have wood in your house, you can burn it to avoid cold or use coal, etc.

7.Avoid colds

Cold is a common routine in winter, young, and old, mothers, sisters, and women are all affected by it. Use tea, and if you get colder, take anti-allergy tablets If the problem is worse, you must take steam, it will benefit you a lot Apart from this, you can also use Johor Joshanda

8.Use of honey

If you get native honey, Subhan Allah If not, you can use upmarket honey too, but in winter nothing is as good as honey in my opinion to avoid the cold.

9.Use of hot water

When taking a bath, use warm water, whether you want to perform ablution for prayer or wash your hands, you should use warm water to avoid cold. Never use cold water. If you have gas oil, you can heat it. Otherwise, run the motor and use fresh water. Avoid using stagnant water from the tank.

10.Open ride

Don’t use the bike unnecessarily in the cold. Assuming you need to utilize it, make it happen., do it. Otherwise, don’t do it. Because it is an open ride, it feels very cold. It is mandatory to use a helmet on your head. Wrap your body well with warm clothes so that you get cold as little as possible If you have a car, try not to use a motorcycle and do not leave the house unnecessarily

Follow these ten ways, God willing, you will surely get rid of cold

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