Pakistan-US relations in the light of history and future

After the independence of Pakistan, the United States first recognized it, but with time, the relationship between the two countries has seen ups and downs.

When Pakistan came into existence, the United States was among the countries that immediately recognized the new country, and on August 15, then-American President Heavy Truman sent a congratulatory message to Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jannah.

On December 7, 1961, Dwight D Eisenhower became the first US president to visit Pakistan, while former president George W. Bush was the last president to visit Pakistan.

What was the main reason for the tension between Pakistan and America?

Pakistan-India War of 1965 and US Relations

I would say that in 1965 when there was a war between Pakistan and India, the United States stopped military aid to both countries, which did not make much difference to India, but it was of great importance to Pakistan, and it was not a coincidence. That was the time when China-Pakistan relations were established. I think it was a reaction to Pakistan’s feeling that America had not treated it well.

When East Pakistan was on the verge of collapse in March 1971, India and Pakistan again looked to the US.

Akbar Ahmed, a professor at the American University, was appointed as Deputy Chief Secretary in Dhaka by the Government of Pakistan during these riots. At that time the United States of Pakistan had very good relations So Pakistan hoped that if there was a war with India, the United States would send its Navy aircraft carrier It was widely known that aircraft carriers had also left for

Bengal I won’t come. People didn’t know that at that time, but present Nixon stopped Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India. He intended that after finishing East Pakistan, all his armies were in West Pakistan. Of would send to and eliminate Pakistan was stopped by Nixon at that time

Pakistan and US relations with the Afghan war

Regarding whether Pakistan has been a reliable ally of America, most experts say that the Cold War and then the war in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union was the first test of Pakistan.

And if we talk about Pakistan’s point of view, he says that it has played its role in creating a wedge between America and China.

After the 9/11 attacks, relations between the United States and Pakistan have been more concerned with security and counter-terrorism than in the areas of development.

Relations would be maintained with military and economic aid, but there was a lack of trust on both sides After 20 years of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, where does the US-Pakistan relationship stand, and is Pakistan’s role as an ally being ignored?

There is frustration over the fact that Pakistan seems to be on a path of failure rather than success, so I think we would be concerned about that, and I guess I would have to say that if Pakistan is such a failure to that extent. becomes a state in which there is a possibility that radical political parties can take control of the country and we should think about what this means for the peace of South Asia and our peace, so forget about Pakistan. Not a good idea What can be the future of Pakistan-US relations? Pakistan-US relations have a dimension of their own and should be

recognized and promoted. Now the US administration is trying to promote economic relations.

Most experts consider the fluctuating US-Pakistan relationship as important not only for the region but also for global security, but due to the lack of interdependence between the two countries at the moment, there will be no warming in their bilateral relations shortly. Consider the possibility of difficult

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