How Malik Riaz Became a Millionaire completes the story

Malik Riaz who used to be an ordinary clerk but now he has become a billionaire

This journey of earning his wealth continues continuously. It is said that Malik Riaz was born in the house of a contractor

Malik Riaz, a matriculate, had to take a job as a clerk after his father’s business suffered losses

Later started business as a low-level contractor in Malik Riaz’s army and it was the most difficult period of Malik Riaz’s life. In almost every interview, Malik Riaz must describe the sufferings of his period

Selling household utensils to treat a child, self-whitening, and putting tar col on the streets are included

He also expresses his late wife’s longing for a five-step ownership plan When democratic governments were being overthrown in Pakistan in the 90s, Malik Riaz realized that the military’s side in business could be very beneficial.

And that’s when the light of his mind was so lit that it brought today Malik Riaz to the list of the richest people in Pakistan.

How Malik Riaz became a hero from zero and became a millionaire as a roadie, are going to tell you the same story in this article.

Malik Riaz’s family and early education

Friends, Malik Riaz belonged to a poor family, his father used to do a small job, and after his death, Malik Riaz was left with all the responsibilities of the house.

Do you know how many times he failed in matric, he failed twice, but the third time he got correct with low marks, but he finally passed matric, after that he kept on doing different things.

He even worked as a road tar col and in the 70s worked as a tea maker in a house.

After that, his daughter had diarrhea, i.e. menstruation, he did not have money for the treatment, so he paid off the loan and got treatment by borrowing and selling things.

Malik Riaz’s stepfather was a contractor for a small construction company and in the 80s, Malik Riaz started his own construction business.

He saw that the real estate work in Karachi was going on at a fast pace Malik Riaz signed an agreement with Bahria in the nineties and started working with them.

He found the name Bahria so attractive and liked it that he started naming his work, his brand, and his construction company Bahria.

Named his firm Bahria Town

But the Navy forbade them to use the Navy name Now he took special permission from the then Chief Minister, Pakistan Navy also reached the court and the court gave legal permission to Malik Riaz that he can use the name of the Navy.

After that, his first naval project started in Islamabad, then Karachi, Lahore, and now it has reached Peshawar

A few thousand employees of Malik Riaz had turned into 60 thousand who are now in the millions all over Pakistan but also in the world

It is well-known about Malik Riyadh that the land on which one starts to build a colony increases in value and the place one chooses takes on a distinct significance.

He was a poor man with no money, after the great success of the Navy, big people wanted to be associated with his name.

How did Malik Riaz have relations with politicians and the army?

As Bahria had become a brand, every businessman wanted to add a little bit of himself to Bahria. Malik Riaz is the only person who has a good relationship with all the three big players in politics

Asif Ali Zardari is also his business shareholder, along with Nawaz Sharif, Malik Riaz can also go to Imran Khan’s house, the big journalists of the country also want to establish relations with him.

Malik Riaz’s net worth is now close to that of the Arabs, but despite this, he has never forgotten his old days

And at home, a common man behaves like a common man. You may call it cleverness or intelligence, but the reality is that a man with a modest education and a rural background, to earn his wealth, has hired big military officers to earn money. Presented new projects

The well-known military analyst Ayesha Siddiqa has written in her book that some military officers of Pakistan have helped Malik Riaz immensely in buying land. In return, these officers have also got a fixed share

The first major step in Malik Riaz’s success was when the Navy withdrew from the Rawalpindi housing project, but it never withdrew its name from the housing scheme.

Malik Riaz’s sharp mind went on making new plans one after the other

Malik Riaz is also facing various cases

Any fee or sector of the housing scheme was announced in such a way that even if the scheme did not exist on the ground and there was no map, only the applicants lined up like crazy to buy the form. There would have been a beating and there would have been a Stick charge and even despite gas, these people were not ready to move. They had to fill out the form and buy it. During this period, Road Patti became a billionaire, and during this period Malik Riaz also had various cases filed against him, including many cases of fraud, fighting, killing poor and weak people, and taking possession of their lands.

He has been acquitted in many cases under trial in various courts

Malik Riaz used to sit outside the offices of a captain or major for two or two days to get a small contract.

Now senior army officers are salaried employees of Malik Riaz after their retirement

According to the Muslim League-N, they have kept nine former generals as their employees. Malik Riaz’s close associates tell them his merits or demerits so that he can recognize how greedy his addressee is.

And he deals accordingly. Malik Riaz is a charismatic figure who has surprisingly close ties to Pakistan’s current, former, and potential future rulers at the same time.

In 1999, there were numerous cases of NAB, but at one time it happened that he became a friend of Musharraf.

The friendship made with President Zardari even during his captivity is still working for Malik Riaz

Malik Riaz, who knows the direction of the wind, does not stay behind, whether the Chaudhry brothers have any work or need funds for the meeting of Tehreek-e-Insaaf.

It is said in political circles that when the governor came to rule in Punjab, Malik Riaz was present in the governor’s house with a briefcase of notes in favor of the People’s Party.

But despite this, his perfection is that he has very close relations with the Mian brothers of Muslim League-N and it has also been reported in the Pakistani media that the person who brokered the agreement between President Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif and No, was Malik Riaz

There is no doubt that Malik Riaz focused on the needs of Pakistan’s middle class and created housing schemes for them that are of a very high quality and relatively affordable compared to others.

Malik Riaz and humanitarianism

They provide financial assistance to countless people and medical facilities for the poor. Many poor children get free education in their educational institutions.

Bahria tables are set up to feed people for free in their different cities, but their opposing lawyers say that this is all Nanaji’s Fatiha at the confectionery shop.

Opposing lawyers say that a small portion of ill-gotten wealth spent on good deeds does not turn black money into white money.

In any case, the way Malik Riaz has earned wealth out of poverty cannot be matched at least in Pakistan.

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