Why were the important leaders of the Islamic summit of Lahore killed? A secret operation of the CIA

In 1974, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit was held in Lahore. Which was the largest organization of Muslim countries on the globe, this was the era of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s rise, and Lahore was his fortress from where he had won all the seats in the previous elections. Bhutto saw himself not only as a leader of Pakistan and the Islamic world but also as a leader of the Third World In his book Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan, Stanley Wolpert writes that he intended to hold a Third World Conference in Pakistan after the 1977 elections to challenge Pakistan’s key role in the Non-Aligned Movement. also wanted to bring

There was celebration in the city as the big names of world politics gathered here, but these leaders did not know how terrible their future was going to be.

Over the next few years, TV screens and newspaper headlines around the world were to be filled with news of his brutal murder.

Because the global usage which was challenged by the 1974 Islamic Summit Conference in its anthem Hum Mustafavi hain, colonialism is false, was determined to teach these leaders a lesson.

Shah Faisal was killed by his nephew

It started with King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia was also the founder of the OIC, and King Faisal was not only bringing social innovation to his country very quickly, but during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, he By stopping the production of oil, he also sent a message to the western world that Al-Saud may have come to power in Hejaz under the power of the British, but Shah Faisal was fully capable of taking independent decisions, so he passed the meeting on March 25, 1975, when barely a Last year, Shah Faisal was meeting a delegation from Kuwait in which his

Faisal bin Musaid, the son of his half-brother Musaid bin Abdul Aziz, was also involved

Another son of Musaid bin Abdul Aziz, Prince Khalid bin Musaid, was a part of a protest against King Faisal a few years ago, where he lost his life when he was shot by the police.

Faisal bin Masaid was living in America at that time, but on that day he arrived at the palace of King Faisal along with the Kuwaiti delegation. He took out a pistol from his pocket and fired a shot. One shot hit Shah Faisal’s chin while the other shot across his ear.

He was taken to the hospital but could not survive. Faisal bin Masaid surrendered to the police and was beheaded on 18 June 1975.

Another leader Sheikh Mujeeb was killed

Just five months after the brutal murder of King Faisal, Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rahman, the founder of Bangladesh, was also killed by his army, which also usurped his power.

In 1974, Sheikh Mujib applied for Bangladesh to join this organization and he also visited Lahore to participate in this conference. The same was announced

On August 15, 1975, when martial law was imposed in Bangladesh, some soldiers entered the presidential house and killed Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rahman and his entire family.

The current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajid and her sister Sheikh Rehana were the only two members of the family who survived as she was in Germany at the time.

This conspiracy was hatched by military officers and some colleagues of Sheikh Mujeeb in the Awami League. Many rumors were circulating that this murder was done by the CIA of America. He also announced the independence of the country and later killed Sheikh Mujeeb and seized the power of the country.

Third leader Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s judicial killing

The role of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was of fundamental importance in ensuring this conference. To make this conference successful, he showed such qualities of his diplomatic ability that for the first time the heads of almost all the countries of the Islamic world came together on one platform.

After the defeat by India in the 1971 war and the secession of Bangladesh, at that time Pakistan was busy trying to rebuild its position in the United Nations.

In such circumstances, this was a great achievement of Bhutto’s government, he made Pakistan the center of attention of the world once again, and through this conference, he also ended Pakistan’s international isolation.

After this conference, he wanted Pakistan to emerge as a leading country in the entire third world, but nature had something else in mind

In the 1977 elections, the Pakistan People’s Party won a historic victory, but a coalition of nine opposition parties claimed that the elections were rigged, and on July 5, 1977, General Zia-ul-Haq overthrew their government.

The Zia government prosecuted Bhutto for the murder of Muhammad Ali Kasuri and the Supreme Court surprisingly sentenced him to death by a three-to-four verdict.

Justice Naseem Hasan Shah, one of the four judges who sentenced Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto to death on April 4, 1979, admitted years later that the death sentence could have been commuted.

Assassination of the fourth leader, President Anwar Sadat

The President of Egypt Anwar Sadat was also a participant in this conference and he was later killed by Khalid Islam Boli who belongs to the Islamic Jihad. Talat Qasim of Jamia Islamia claims that this killing was not by the Islamic Jihad but by his own. The organization did

Khalid Islam Boli killed Anwar Sadat while he was watching an army parade on Anvil Day Khaled Islam Boli himself was a lieutenant in the Egyptian army.

The fatwa for killing Anwar Sadat was given by Umar Abdul Rahman, a blind cleric who lived most of his life in the US and died on February 18, 2017, in North Carolina.

The assassination of the fifth leader Yasir Arafat

Yasser Arafat was the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization and he also participated in the same conference in Lahore in 1974. Yasser Arafat, who played the most important role in the Palestinian resistance against Israel, was allegedly poisoned by the Israeli intelligence agency in 2004.

The cause of her death has been highly debated, but the prevailing theory is that HIV must have been present in her blood, but she died of poisoning.

Assassination of the sixth leader Muammar Gaddafi

Muammar Gaddafi was the last leader of the Muslim world to be killed among the participants of this conference On 20 October 2011, Libyan President Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who had seized power in September 1969 through a coup, found rebels hiding in a drain-edge pipe where they had been sheltering from NATO bombing.

In the Libyan civil war, in which Muammar Gaddafi’s opponents had the backing of the United States and NATO after the war began, the capital Ripoli was captured and Muammar Gaddafi was then a refugee in Sirte.

On that day too, he was trying to move towards Wadi Jarf when NATO started shelling his convoy.

To avoid this, they hid in the pipe and during this bombardment, they also got injuries on their heads Gaddafi was killed by the mob after the rebels found him almost dead And his body was dragged through the streets

Libya has been reeling from civil war since his assassination and remains unstable Most of their areas are occupied by the army and the rest by religious extremist organization

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