Is Iran helping Hamas?If it is doing it, why is it doing it? What could be the reason?

It has been almost a week since the war between Hamas and Israel Hamas started the war by firing thousands of rockets at Israel More than 1,000 Hamas fighters are said to have taken part in the fighting, with hundreds shot dead and at least 100 taken hostage.

In response, Israel has bombarded Gaza heavily and imposed a food blockade, according to the Associated Press.

Most of Gaza’s buildings have been reduced to rubble. Hamas has threatened to kill Israeli hostages if Israel targets Palestinians in attacks without warning.

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen has warned Hamas against the hostage-taking, saying that no fighter will be spared.

This huge attack by Hamas is being described as extremely surprising

Defense experts are baffled as to how and why the war suddenly broke out.

The strongest opinion emerging is from observers who say that the scale of the attack carried out by Hamas could not have been possible without the support of Iran and any of its proxy groups.

As soon as this news came out, America warned Iran to refrain from getting involved in this conflict.

The Chief of Staff of the US Armed Forces has said We do not want the scope of the recent conflict to widen According to the Reuters news agency, his statement came after the bombing of the Lebanese militia Hezbollah in the north of Israel after the attack by Hamas on Saturday.

In this statement, General Brown advised Iran to stay away from this conflict.

Hezbollah has been supported and supported by Iran Similarly, Iran has a long-standing relationship with the leadership of Hamas.

Although the U.S. has not yet confirmed what kind of intelligence or alert was released about Iran’s involvement in the surprise attack by Hamas on Israel.

On the other hand, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has said in a statement that Tehran is not involved in Hamas attacks on Israel.

But in his televised speech, he praised th

Hamasattackedk Iran is believed to be the largest supplier of weapons to Palestinian militant groups.

Israel claims that Iran provides 101 million dollars in aid to Hamas every year.

According to a Reuters story, before the attack on Israel began on October 7, the supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, had posted on the social media platform X on behalf of Israel, indicating that the occupying regime was about to end.

He wrote in this post that today’s Palestinian youth are more energetic, more active, and more ready in the anti-occupation movement of Palestine than in the last 70 or 80 years.

He said that this movement will achieve its goals.

Speaking to Voice of America Persian, several broadcasters said that there could be several reasons for Iran to help Hamas at this time.

David Ruano, professor of Middle Eastern political science at Missouri State University, said that the Iran-based government also presents support for the Palestinians as a justification for its existence.

He said that during the last year, the government has been facing public protests in Iran because they needed a lot of love and support from their supporters, which they will get from the current situation.

The death of an Iranian woman Mehsa Amini in Police Custody

The Islamist government in Iran is currently facing the biggest challenge in its 44-year rule.

After the death of an Iranian woman Mehsa Amini in police custody in September of last year, dozens of people have been killed and thousands imprisoned in the protest movement against the government in remote parts of Iran.

London-based Middle East expert Ali Raza Nourizadeh says that a major driver of Iran’s possible support is Israel’s growing rapprochement with Saudi Arabia.

He says that one of the main reasons behind Iran’s possible support is the increasing proximity of Israel and Saudi Arabia. Like Israel, Saudi Arabia is Iran’s rival. Last month, two Israeli ministers visited Riyadh, which was the first of its kind.

The US is trying to establish relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia after mediation.

The US is trying to establish relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia after mediation.The US is also trying to establish relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia after the Abraham Record arbitration.

According to Abraham Record, the UAE has established diplomatic relations with Bahrain Morocco Israel.

Nouri zadeh says that Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei is afraid of establishing relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

It should be noted that Tehran and Riyadh began to restore relations during the recent year with the mediation of China, as a result of which both opened their embassies in each other’s country after seven years.

The internal political crisis in Iran this year is also a common factor, according to Jason Notskyi, who believes that Iran may have anticipated that judicial reforms would yield more results than the challenges facing Binyamin Bin Netanyahu.

He says that based on Israel’s internal situation and Iran’s increasing concerns about the Abraham record, it can be said that these circumstances have put Iran on the path to take greater risks against Israel.

But these indic

ations are analysis and conjecture to strengthen the suspicions that, according to the sources, may be behind such a large-scale attack by Hamas.

No one has any evidence for these suspicions. Whether efforts to stop the war will succeed is unknown, but there is a loss of life and property on both sides that needs to be stopped.

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