Who Was Hitler?

Adolf Hitler was a German-born politician who was the dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was a close party leader and then came to power, becoming Chancellor in 1933.

Hitler was born in a place called Braunau am Inn, in Austria, on the 20th of April in the year 1889. Died on 30th April 1945 at the Fuhrerbunker Hitler’s height was 1.75 m. Her parents are also Alois Hitler and Klara Hitler.

Hitler committed suicide by shooting himself in 1945.

Why did Hitler hate Jews?

I have eliminated 80 percent of the Jews from this world and am leaving 30 percent After I die, you will realize that I wish I had eliminated even that 20 percent, And the name and mark of the Jews will be erased from the world

These were the words of Adolf Hitler. As soon as you hear the name Hitler, you think that he had massacred the Jews on a large scale, but why did Hitler hate the Jews and why did he expel the Jews from Germany? Many books have been written to answer them, but the most correct thing is that Hitler considered the German nation to be the best nation in the world.

He believed that only the German nation had the right to rule the world and for the development of Germany, it was necessary to eliminate all traitors from the country.

It is a hindrance to human progress. In World War I, Jews living in Germany sided with Great Britain and its allies against hidden German interests. Working against Germany while living in Germany was an unforgivable crime for Hitler.

He was also aware of their history

He was also aware of their history of how they had broken the covenant with the Messengers of Allah and being a Christian, he was also aware that it was the Jewish scholars who played a key role in the execution of Jesus. was paid

Therefore, he considered them as a cursed race and wanted to cleanse the world of Jews. Like Christians, Jews do not believe that Jesus is the son of God, and many Christians also reject this refusal to accept the divinity of Jesus. They considered it a sign of arrogance

For many centuries, the Christian Church taught that Jesus died because of the Jews, while modern historians and the Church teach that Jesus was martyred by the Roman government because of the officers They considered it a political threat to their power

Religious conflict was accompanied by economic conflict. Rulers placed restrictions on Jews and prohibited them from holding certain jobs and owning land. In France, an officer of the Russian secret police prepared the Protocols of the Elders, saying that the Jews were plotting to take over the whole world.

The plan of the Jews to take over the whole world

The documents included comments from a meeting of world Jewish leaders in which they finalized plans for a world takeover and made it clear that Jewish secret organizations and agencies were manipulating political parties, the economy, newspapers, and public opinion. wanted to control and use for their purposes. Protocols were published in various countries of the world, including the United States.

On the night of November 1938, the violence against the Jews in Raikhabar began, apparently unplanned, as a result of German anger over the murder of a German officer in Paris by a Jew.

In two days, more than 250 Jewish synagogues were burned, more than 7,000 Jewish businesses were looted and destroyed, dozens of Jews were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted, while police and fire brigades The cars continued to see

Because of the glass and chairs scattered in the shop windows on the streets, that night came to be known as Kristallnacht, i.e. the night of broken glass. Hundreds of them died. Some Jewish women were also arrested and sent to local prisons. Jewish businesses were not allowed to reopen until they were managed by non-Jews. I have not been given

All kinds of restrictions were imposed on the Jews

Curfews were imposed on Jews, limiting the time they could leave their homes. After the Night of Broken Glass, or Kristallnacht, life became even more difficult for German and Austrian Jewish children and youth. Already barred from museums, public parks, and swimming pools, they are now excluded from public schools.

Like their parents, Jewish youth faced total segregation in Germany, and many Jews committed suicide in despair. Most of the families also tried hard to escape About 17,000 Polish Jews were expelled from Germany for their involvement in conspiracies and violent attacks against Germany.

November 9, 1938, German diplomats shot dead in Paris, identified as Jews, and dismissed from government posts

Administrative reforms began with laws passed in April 1933, two months after Adolf Hitler became chancellor.

These laws included an Arian paragraph for the expulsion of Jews from various sectors of society.

All government employees were required to provide documentation of their Irene ancestry. For the first time, the law defined Jewish. Employees whose parents or grandparents were Jewish were dismissed from their positions.

August 17, 1938, It is Mandatory for Jews to Adopt Jewish Names The German government mandates that all Jews whose first names do not immediately identify as Jewish must add a Jewish name after their first name. went  Men were given the name Israel and woman Sarah. Men would add Israel to their names and women would add Sarah to their names to show that they were Jewish.

Passports of Jews were confiscated and stamped

In October, the German government confiscated all Jewish passports, and new passports issued to Jews were marked with a J that testified to the owners’ Jewish identity.

On September 19, 1941, a Jewish identification badge was introduced in Germany. Jews over the age of six were required to wear a yellow six-pointed star on their clothing at all times, with the words German The language was called Jews Now in Germany, Jews could be identified by sight. In October, the regular deportation of Jews from Germany began. In March 1942, it became necessary for Jews to display the star symbol on their residences. It is called the holocaust is a word, there are 13 countries in the world in

which if you speak or use this word when you write in a text, you can be punished for three to 10 years.

If you use this word on social media, your account will be blocked. The Jews took great advantage of this word and became oppressors and talked about this genocide so much that the whole world, even the Germans, met the Jews. They shed tears till today. Genocide, no matter what nation they belong to, no one dies when they listen to the song. There are serious violations of human rights. Screaming, killing of parents in front of children, and killing of children in front of parents. Sisters were raped in front of their brothers just like the Muslims in Sabra and Shatila campuses

But the Jews call the blood of Muslims delicious children with ketchup, while they shed tears on their children. There was no humanity in these people, blood was called juice, and human flesh was called ‘poor’

The Jews started trying to destroy the Palestinians

They were brutal to such an extent that they were sent as high officers in the Israeli army when they oppressed the people of Palestine and the United Nations surrounded them like a hypocrite and drove them out of their homes and into the homes of these Muslims. But the Jews took over when the songs were played in the refugee camps in the guise of celebrating an Islamic festival. I don’t want anyone to hear the cries of Muslims

Like butchers entering the tents of the Muslims, the Jews got tired of slaughtering the Muslims, then went to drink, poured the wine on themselves, shouted, and then danced and entered the Muslims.

The Jews celebrated this massacre as a festival. In the morning, there was only human flesh and blood on the campus. Houses, gardens, and lots were taken over by the Israelis

This series continues until today. There is a group of Jews who still believe in the ancient Torah and consider the establishment of a separate homeland for the Jews as disobedience to God. According to them, the world will end and God will punish the world. If the Jews disobeyed him and made a separate homeland, you will often find them rubbing their heads on the wall and crying, but these people are like salt in flour.

Most of the fanatics who are called Zionists are people who collect sympathies by being oppressed in front of the world. They are more brutal than beasts. They never forgot their purpose. Time has proved Adolf Hitler right. had been exposed and tried to be stopped by the Jews, the first parties began to work on it successfully.

The only difference is that this time the Christian world is with them because they consider the Jews not only oppressed but also a great sin to speak against them.

The Jews were oppressing the Palestinians at that time and are still doing it. May Allah help the Palestinians. He will surely forgive the Israelis at some point and Palestine will live in this world as a free state, God willing.

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