History of Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi

Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi who is revered by both Muslims and Christians Salahuddin Ayyubi is considered to be one of the most famous and powerful personalities of the East He is the person who founded the Ayyubid Empire and Sultan Salah al-Din Ayubi also the honor of being the first Sultan whose empire extended to both holy places. Along with him, Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi was also a great defender of Islam, but the question is, how did a normal child of a poor family become Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi?

When did Saladin Ayyubi free Palestine?

Salahuddin Ayubi was born in 1138 AD and died in 1193 AD Salah al-Din Ayyubi was the Sultan of Egypt and Syria and Sultan Salah al-Din is famous for defeating the united forces of Christians in the Battle of Hattin. Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi liberated Jerusalem from the Christians in 1187 AD. As the Sultan came to power, he gathered an Islamic army from eastern Egypt and strengthened his position But more than these two, he was famous for his personality. Sultan Salahuddin Ayyub’s father, Najamuddin Ayyub, was the governor of a fortress near Baghdad.

Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi likes Polo

Sultan Salahuddin was an excellent polo player in his youth and was second to none in horse riding. Due to his immense bravery, he went on a war campaign with his uncle Sher where he set an example of immense bravery. After the success of this campaign, Sultan Nooruddin Zangi sent him as the ruler of Egypt in 1169 AD. Very soon, Sultan Noor al-Din Zangi sent Sultan Ayubi as the governor of Egypt According to the people of that time, Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi had a medium-sized round face with black eyes and black hair In the year 1174 when Sultan Nooruddin Zangi was martyred by poisoning, after his death, many rulers and nobles became independent and the Zangi kingdom fell into a civil war.

When did Ayyubid conquer Damascus?

Here Sultan Ayubi declared himself Sultan and crushed the rebellion of the rebel chiefs and rich. After becoming Sultan, Sultan Salah al-Din Ayubi strengthened his rule in Egypt, and in 1174 AD he conquered Damascus and added it to his empire.

Then Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi ended the Fatimid caliphate established in Qaina which used to conspire against Sultan Salah al-Din. After that, Salah al-Din Ayyubi was called the protector of the holy places by the Muslims of the Middle East. After that, the Sultan gathered all the Muslim Ummah under one banner and united with them by subordinating the rebel Rich of that time. In the beginning, Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi had to face difficulties, but the Sultan was by no means a believer In 1175 AD, Sultan Saladin Ayyubi defeated a Christian army near Hams

What were the difficulties of Salahuddin Ayyubi?

Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi received his authority from the Abbasid Caliph of Baghdad, where he was granted authority as Sultan of Yemen, Egypt, and Syria. But instead of incorporating Aleppo into his empire, it was recognized as an independent city under the jurisdiction of the son of Sultan Noor-ul-Din Zangi. Sultan Nuruddin Zangi’s son Salek always created difficulties for Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi Difficulties arose for Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi. Salek allied himself with the Christians, and when Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi started fighting with the Christians, Sultan Nuruddin Zangi’s son Salek rebelled.

When did Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi attack the Christians?

When the Christians made two attacks on Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi by hired assassins, the Sultan attacked the Christian fortress to deal with the hired assassins. After a long siege, this fort was razed to the ground. In 1177, the Sultan was defeated by a Farangi army, but Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi acted wisely here, capturing a Christian fort holder from Jordan and turning his defeat into victory The Sultan had convinced the Christians that he would die only after liberating Bait-ul-Maqdis from the Christians

When was Aleppo conquered by Sultan Saladin?

Muslims considered Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi the protector of the Islamic world, especially for his bravery in the wars against the Crusader Christians. Arabs and non-Arabs used to praise the Sultan for his bravery in wars In 1183 AD, Sultan Saladin Ayyubi attacked Aleppo and added it to his empire

Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi prepared a strong army in Egypt that was always ready for Christian attacks. In 1185, Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi gained control over Mosul. In 1187 AD, The Ferangians attacked a fort of Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi

The commander of this fort was the son of Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi. Due to this Christian attack, Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi began to gather troops.

These forces were assembled on the islands of Aleppo, Syria, and Egypt. The Christians also gathered their forces and then began to advance towards Khatin. In early July, Sultan Salah al-Din

What was the number of the Jewish army and who was commanding it?

Ayyubi’s advance forces attacked and defeated the first Crusaders.

On the 4th of July, Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi arrived at Hattin with the main army. The Sultan had the strongest army of 60,000.

which faced an army of Christians commanded by Louisian, who was then king of Jerusalem.

He had 1,300 knights and 38,000 remaining troops. The Sultan, showing the wisdom present here, chose the best place and captured the water. A bloody battle took place here and Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi was declared the winner

In this war, all the Christian kings and governors became prisoners of the sultan, Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi treated them very mercifully. And freed them all, but they killed Reynold with their own hands, who deserved it. The Crusader Knights, who were the real killers of the Muslims, were also ordered to be killed by the Sultan

When did Sultan Saladin conquer Bait al-Maqdis?

In September 187 AD, Sultan Saladin arrived in Jerusalem with his army and after some resistance, the Christians surrendered and appealed for mercy. The Sultan spared the lives of all the people of the city and then entered the Aqsa Mosque

Gregory’s Declaration of War

After this victory, the Third Slab War began. As soon as the news of Sultan Saladin Ayubi’s victory reached Europe, Christian Pope Gregory declared the Third Slab War.

Gregory declares the Third Battle of Sylheb to recapture Jerusalem from the Muslims. Following Gregory’s declaration, England, Germany, and France, followed by the Shah, united against the Sultan and left Europe.

Arriving in the Middle East, they besieged a city of the Sultan with Ghaif Luzniat and in July 1191 AD, the Christians conquered this city. Now their next target was Bait al-Maqdis, then during this time, there were numerous battles between the Sultan and them. In September 1191 AD, the Sultan fought with the Christians in the field of Arsuf, in which the Sultan was defeated, then the field of Jaffa also led to Sultan Salah. Uddin Ayyubi faced defeat

Gregory’s army returned without conquering Jerusalem

But despite all this, the Sultan did not allow the Christians to capture any other city except for one city, and then the Christians returned to Europe unsuccessfully without conquering Jerusalem.

When did Sultan Saladin die? How old was he then?

After that, Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi lived for about two years and finally Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi died on March 4, 1193 AD. At that time, Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi was 56 years old. The truth is that Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi is respected not only by Muslims but also by Christians in Europe.

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