The worst financial conditions of the great poet Mir Taqi Mir

The great poet Mir Taqi Mir faced the worst financial conditions, the British laid a railway track on Mir’s grave. The ancestors of the great Urdu poet Mir Taqi Mir belonged to Hijaz and migrated from there to India. Mir’s father had a dervish Qalandar temperament and people called him pious due to his avoidance of the world.

He had two marriages with his first wife and had a son named Hafiz Muhammad Hasan, who was Mir’s half-brother. From the second wife, he had three children, two boys and a girl.

Born in Mir Akbarabad in 1723, the family was very close to the rich and poor. In those days, the Mughal Empire was rapidly declining. It is about the days of Mir’s boyhood when his father used to have a young man named Mir Amanullah, who was Mir Muhammad. After taking Ali’s company, he became a human for a year

Friend of Amanullah Mir Taqi Mir

Mir became so familiar with Amanullah that he started living with him for most of his early life. He was seven years old when he began his educational journey by learning the Holy Quran from Amanullah, who was called Mir’s uncle. had the effect that Mir himself also became a poor man and had a Sufi disposition

Devotion to the dervishes became the motto of his nature. He enjoyed reading Urdu and Persian. It took only a few years for Mir to become fluent in Persian and Urdu. In 1732-33 Mir’s father also died and he also owed Rs.300. Of course, there were a few hundred books in Inheritance, but even these were seized by the elder brother

The process of preparation and burial of the father was also done in such a way that a devotee paid an amount of Rs 500. This time was a severe test for Mir who was only 10 or 11 years old and had just begun to set The initial goals of education and training had already been set It was not until the death of his father that his stepbrother Muhammad Hassan began to suffer Mir took a deep influence of these words and became angry. When the bad behavior of his stepbrother crossed the limit, Mir asked his younger brother Muhammad Razi to stay at home and go out for employment.

Nadir Shah’s attack on Delhi and Mir Taqi Mir’s financial difficulties increased

There was a lot of competition, but nothing could be done. Even in 1734, this new Shah Jahan abad, where Nawab Simsamt Doula, in return for the favors of Mir’s father, fixed a stipend of one rupee per day for him. Due to this, some mental and financial hardships were overcome. In the meantime, four or five years passed and in 1739, Nadir Shah attacked Delhi.

Which Samsam-ud-Daula was killed and Mir’s stipend was also stopped and circumstances forced him to go to Akbarabad. Therefore, nothing satisfactory could be achieved in Akbarabad, so in the same year, he took another trip to Delhi In those days, authentic Shah Siraj Uddin Ali Khan was in power in Delhi

It is said that Mir’s stepbrother, who was known as Khan Arzo and was Mir’s maternal uncle, wrote a letter to his maternal uncle asking that no help be given to Mir under any title. According to some chroniclers, Khan Arzo also suffered a lot of abuse, which was so influenced by Mir that he became crazy.

However, apart from Khan Arzo, Mir had the opportunity to acquire knowledge and literature from Jafar Azeem Abadi and Saadat Ali Amrohi. It is said that the real happiness was the result of the companionship of Saadat Ali Amravi, that Mir connected with poetry and it was as if poetry became a cover for him.

The shining star of poetry is Mir Taqi Mir

In the company of Saadat Ali, Riazat made Mir so strong that soon Mir’s name started echoing in the streets. In 1753 Mir’s life changed as he moved out of the patronage and neighborhood of his maternal uncle and Ataliq Khan Arzo. In 1753 AD, Khan Arzu left the world and now Mir On the horizon was the brightest star shining on poetry. The fame was so great that Raja Sigal, a rich and great man of that time, who was the most famous lawyer of Bengal and was also fond of poetry, took Mir to his mansion. And he began to care. The reason for this short work of Persian language written by Mir in 1760-61 was that Mir wanted to tell his son Mir Faiz Ali useful and effective things as advice.

Thus, five stories have been narrated in Faiz Mir. The second son of Mir was Mir Hasan Askari, known as Mir Kilo. He was also a poet and had two pseudonyms First Arsh and Zar It is said that Mir’s daughter Shamim was also a poet and Begum was her pen name

Travel to Agra and Lucknow

In 1761, Mir traveled to Agra. On reaching Agra, poets began to crowd around him like butterflies around a candle. So sometimes poverty, shunning from the world and friends, and sometimes worldly matters, his life became a mixture of observations, experiences, and sorrow. From 1771 to 72, Mir took a trip to Lucknow, so before Mir, Mir’s fame reached Lucknow, the inn where he was staying, was also held a mushaira, Mir’s style and era were looked at with ridicule and it was known. Even though this is Mir Taqi Mir, the audience makes fun of him by calling him a foreigner

In Lucknow, Nawab Asif Dullah fixed 200 rupees per month for his contribution. Mir gave such a unique melody and color to Urdu poetry, especially Urdu ghazal that Mir and Urdu ghazal became inseparable from Mir Taqi Mir. He is counted among the first great poets of Urdu literature, but he also wrote poems in Persian

Death of Mir Taqi Mir in Lucknow

Mir died in Lucknow in 1810. Mir’s graves and graveyards in Lucknow are now only part of the history. Historians and admirers tried to find his grave and concluded that a railway track had been laid over it during the British era. There was Mir Taqi Mir’s house right in front of the railway tracks, but a few steps away from there, there is a symbolic structure marked by the name of Mir, and it is also in bad condition.

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