The full story of the assassination of King Faisal after Saudi Arabia

This year on the 12th of Rabi al-Awwal, on the day of the birth of the Prophet of Islam, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was meeting the people and the Kuwaiti delegation was also waiting to meet him. Shah Faisal’s nephew Faisal bin Masaid was engaged in discussions with this Kuwaiti delegation When the time came for the delegation to meet, Shah Faisal moved forward to kiss his nephew Faisal bin Musaed.

He took out a revolver from his pocket and shot two bullets at Shah Faisal. The killer hit the first bullet on his chin and the second on his ear. It is said that a third bullet was also fired which did not hit him.

One of the Shah’s bodyguards stabbed Faisal Bin Musaid with his sword, which was still in sheath, and the country’s Minister of Petroleum, who was there, yelled at the guard not to kill the prince.

Faisal bin Musaid meanwhile stood there contentedly and the guards arrested him. Shah Faisal was taken to the hospital but he could not recover from his injuries and died.

Rashid Hussain, an analyst who has worked in Saudi Arabia for more than two decades, was very familiar with a man who was very close to King Faisal at the time.

When this incident happened, he was the then oil minister, Ahmad Zaki Yamani, who was introducing Obe’s time, including Kuwaiti ministers, to King Faisal.

Rashid Hussain says that it is possible that the security screening that was done could not have been done, when the bullet was fired, people thought that it had also hit Ahmed Zaki Yamani.

Because they were the first to go and catch Faisal bin Masaid, the murderer of King Faisal bin Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman al-Saud, the head of Faisal bin Masaid was publicly beheaded on June 18 of the same year at the largest intersection of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia.

Who was Faisal bin Masaid?

Faisal bin Masaid was the son of Shah Faisal’s half-brother Masaid bin Abdul Aziz. Faisal bin Masaid was born on April 4, 1944, and was sentenced to death on June 18, 1975, for the assassination of Shah Faisal. And a few hours later, he was beheaded in front of a packed statue in Riyadh’s central square. Not much has been written about the life of Faisal bin Musaid.

Faisal Bin Masaid went to the United States to study, where he enrolled in San Francisco State College. He also studied at the University of California and the University of Colorado. After the assassination of Shah Faisal, it was initially said that he was suffering from a mental imbalance In a statement issued by the royal cabinet after the murder, he was formally declared

insane, but after an examination by doctors, he certified that Faisal bin Masaid was mentally sound.
He was also involved in a drug case, and his passport was reportedly confiscated upon his return to Saudi Arabia.

Because they were causing disrespect to Saudi Arabia abroad

Why was Shah Faisal killed?

In Saudi Arabia, investigations are often not made public, and when it comes to the royal family, the issue becomes even more sensitive. At the time of the murder, many rumors and speculations arose, but after investigation, it was said that the killer was alone and that no one else was involved in the act. Analyst Rashid Hussain says what happened on March 25, 1975, needs to be seen in full context

The death of the brother of Faisal bin Masaid

Initially, there were speculations that the prince shot at Shah Faisal to avenge his brother’s death. When Shah Faisal started television broadcasting in the country

So his half-brother and father Faisal bin Abdul Aziz, along with other religious leaders, started speaking openly against the Shah’s decision and also protested. In a similar demonstration, when the protesters started attacking the TV station, the police opened fire, killing Khalid bin Masaid, the eldest son of Masaid bin Abdul Aziz. Rashid Hussain says that the rulers in Saudi Arabia had a very strong control over the religious scholars and till today, when they have to spread a movement, they forcefully call the clerics.

It was probably in the year 1965 or 1966 when there were attempts to establish radio and television, the scholars tried to ensure that nothing happened without their will and that everything remained under their control because it was un-Islamic. Is etc

King Faisal was a bit progressive for his era, he also started women’s education and he started radio and television when this happened there was a demonstration in Riyadh and Faisal bin Musaid’s father. Musaid bin Abdul Aziz was involved in it. Interestingly, if he had succeeded, he could have overthrown the government of Shah Faisal.

In a similar demonstration, protesters tried to break into the TV center in Riyadh, and the elder brother of Faisal bin Masaid was shot dead by the police, but even after that, King Faisal did not take any decision. TV broadcasts should be stopped completely

Family differences in the rule of Shah Faisal

Rashid Hussain says that there are always rivalries and differences in the royal family and one of the main reasons for the rivalry against Shah Faisal was that Shah Faisal himself had become the king after removing Shah Saud.

Before Faisal, King Saud, who was the eldest son of King Abdul Aziz and was the crown prince, had become the king, but Faisal brought a kind of revolution that the country was not run by King Saud and forced him to abdicate.

At that stage, there were differences within the royal family Masaid Sahib also tried to use these differences and used them to create a movement against Shah Faisal which Shah Faisal dealt with very harshly. Masaid had united the religious forces there so that if they were together, this war could be won. At that time, he could not do anything but the thorn in his heart

How did Shah Faisal’s rule end?

According to available information regarding Faisal bin Abdul Aziz, he was born on April 14, 1906, in Riyadh. He was the third son of Shah Abdul Aziz. His maternal side, Tarfah Bint Abdullah, belonged to the religious family of Abdul Wahab.

Their marriage took place after King Abdul Aziz conquered Riyadh. Faisal was only six months old when his mother died. He was brought up by his grandparents and his primary education was also their responsibility In 1919, the British government invited Shah Abdul Aziz to London, but he could not go due to personal commitments. But it was decided that his eldest son, Prince Turki, would go to replace him, but Prince Turki had died due to the Spanish flu, so the sphere was named after Prince Faisal and he became the first member of the Saudi family to visit England. His father often entrusted him with important responsibilities and felt that Faisal was perfectly capable of carrying out these

responsibilities. He was sent in 1922 with the Armoured troops to control the Aseer province, which was a successful strategy.

In 1926, he was made the Viceroy of Hijaz and was also the Minister of Interior After the death of King Abdul Aziz in 1953, his eldest son Saud was made Shah while Faisal became Crown Prince.

After the death of King Abdul Aziz in 1953, his eldest son Saud was made Shah while Faisal became Crown Prince. By that time, Jamal Nasir had overthrown the king’s throne in the neighboring country of Egypt and it was feared that the same would happen here. However, the power struggle between King Saud and King Faisal continued and in December 1960, Prince Faisal resigned from the Prime Ministership. After some time, he regained family support and became Prime Minister for the second time.

Finally, he demanded the Shah hand over the power to him. The scholars gave not one but two fatwas in favor of him that Shah Saud should step down from power for the good of the country. supported and on November 2, 1964, Faisal was made subject to Saudi Arabia

The Suderi brothers had a hand in making him king, although Shah Faisal himself did not belong to the Suderi family

Who were the Suderi brothers? It is said that Shah Abdul Aziz’s favorite wife was Hussah bint Ahmad al-Suderi from the Suderi clan and had the most sons and all of them held high positions.

This group of influential Suderi brothers was also called Suderi Seven, Shah Faisal Although Suderi himself was not a descendant of his mother, he had the support of the seven Suderi brothers to rise to power. And they had a great role in removing King Saud from power. King Faisal gave these brothers important positions as soon as he assumed power.

The father of Faisal bin Masaid, Masaid bin Abdul Aziz, belonged to the powerful and influential Suderi clan, which helped King Faisal in his rise to power. However, Masaib bin Abdulaziz disagreed with Shah Faisal’s modernization policy, and after Shah Faisal’s death, his half-brother Shah Khalid became a subject of Saudi Arabia.

After he died in 1982, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has gone to the Saduri family twice. First, after Shah Khalid, Shah Fahd became the king, whose power lasted until 2005. After he died in 2015, King Salman of the Saduri family became the ruler, but due to his weakness, another Saduri, his son, Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, is handling all the affairs of the kingdom.

Shah Faisal was a progressive king

As soon as King Faisal became king, he first gathered the members of the family to form a council to choose the future king so that the issue of making the next king would be permanently resolved and then the important members of the royal family. Appointed to important positions, including his half-brothers, he made many popular decisions, instead of sending them out, they were educated in the country’s schools, while he emphasized the education of girls, the country’s first ministry. established justice and laid the foundation stone of the first five-year development plan Also in 1962, he issued a decree that completely abolished the practice of slavery or

slave-holding in the country. It should be remembered that till then it was going on in one form or another. Shah Faisal tried to make economic development and religious thought go hand in hand.

But on the other hand, they should crush any opposition that might be suspected of causing problems to their rule or progress. He controlled the radical clerics and refused to comply when advisers advised him that making revolutionary decisions in the country, such as women’s education, would increase the hatred of the religious community against him.

But on the contrary, when he was asked to make a constitution for the country, he said that the Quran is our constitution. He was very much against communism and a large part of his foreign policy was Islamic. Others are stubborn and can never be reconciled, which is probably why they were far from Russia and closer to America

In his book, House of Bush, House of Saud, author Craig Anger writes that Prince Bandar bin Sultan Al-Saud once told the New York Times that the Shah of Iran once wrote a letter to King Faisal before his overthrow. said my brother please bring innovation Modernize your country Open your country Bring mixed education in schools Men and women study together Let the women wear miniskirts, make it disco, make it modern, otherwise I can’t guarantee you’ll stay on your throne for long.

Shah Faisal’s answer was as follows: I appreciate your advice, may I remind you, is France not proud, you are not in LEC, you are in Iran, and 90% of your population are Muslims, please. Never forget this Prince Bandar said that history proved King Faisal right that immaterial social and political institutions imported from elsewhere can be dangerous.

Ask the Shah of Iran for us, Islam is not just a religion but a way of life. We Saudis want to bring a modern way of life, but not necessarily a Western way of life.

Shah Faisal and oil prices

After the assassination of Shah Faisal, one of the rumors and speculations was about America, where Faisal Bin Masaid killed Shah Faisal after he was brought back. This was allegedly in retaliation for the 1973 oil embargo that cost the West dearly

Saudi oil prices have gone up a lot. Israel captured large parts of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria in the Six-Day War of 1967, and West Jordan was completely transferred from Jordanian control to Israel. Billions were lost and Israel in the Middle East with the help of Western powers emerged as a major power in the Middle East, but the Palestinians continued as a guerilla war for the next several years, continuing in one form or another to this day.

However, in the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, King Faisal’s role came to the fore when America and the West supported Israel and openly provided arms and aid to fight the Arabs put

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