What are the five Muslim countries capable of waging war against Israel?

You must be wondering which Muslim country can beat Israel Is there any country that can stand up to Israel?

Let me tell you which country can stand up to Israel. 145 countries in the world have their army.

Among them, five Muslim countries can stand in front of Israel, that is, can fight with it


See, the country at the bottom is Iran at the fifth place. You might think Iran has gained so much military strength, yet it is in fifth place. Yes, there are better countries than Iran with military power, but the fifth place. Here is Iran, I am talking about Muslim countries, Iran is the most densely populated country.

But the biggest army also has 1 million active persons, that is, around 1 Million have an army, which is a huge number.

Along with this, the one edge that Iran has is that because of the sanctions that have been imposed on Iran due to the sanctions of years and even decades, have boosted the local defense industry in Iran. There is a restriction that he cannot buy arms from any other country

Neither can sell arms to anyone, so what has Iran done over the years, has it developed its defense industry, it makes its missiles, its rockets, its drones, its guns, its tanks, everything by itself.

So it has got an edge along with the best drones in the region and the best missile system that Iran has developed itself.

The drones that Hamas recently damaged Israel through drone attacks were also provided by Iran, so they have an edge. Iran is also currently working on a hypersonic missile system.


The country that comes at number four is Egypt

Egypt also shares its border with Israel Egypt shares border with Israel, and it is the only country that has formally fought a war with Israel.

Well, it is said in the Arab world that Egypt has the strongest army in the Arab world

It currently has 700 combat-ready aircraft, ie fighter jets, and so-called warships, the number of which Egypt has 700.

It has an active military person of around 12 lakhs which means it has an army of around 12 lakhs.

He is a soldier who knows how to fight regularly. He has 300,000 soldiers in extra reserve

It has gradually improved its navy and air force. Egypt got big advanced weapons from the USA and Russia. Recently they got Rafale aircraft. This is a French plane

There is a very advanced aircraft and Russia’s S-300 defense system, which is Russia’s defense system, S-300 and S-400, it is considered the best defense air defense system in the world.

So the S-300, Egypt has acquired the Patriot batteries, which is a very strong US defense system.

But the problem is that Egypt has had very good relations with Israel since the 1980s.

You will be surprised to hear that it is a Muslim country and look at Israel. If you did not have good relations of Egypt with Israel, would the oppression of the Palestinians be happening until now?

Egypt would not have opened its borders to the residents of Gaza, and if the residents of Gaza had saved their lives and left for Egypt, then Egypt, which is so powerful and such a great military power, would never have attacked Israel because it has very good relations are


The third place, the army is from Indonesia, its army is a mix of Chinese and Indonesian, and it is closely cooperated with the US and Ammunisia, which is a big mill and closely cooperated by the US. The country that supplies the weapon is the United States

In 2023, America gave Indonesia B-52 planes, these are bomber planes, whose job is to drop bombs from above, B-52 planes and F-16 planes, then in 2022, 13.9 billion dollars is a lot of money 13.9 A billion-dollar arms deal was made by Indonesia, which was given 36 F-15 fighter jets by the United States.

That is, the power that Indonesia has at this time is good, but all the power that Indonesia has taken is from the United States. A hegemon wants to dominate the surrounding countries in its region.

What Indonesia can attack Israel has not been answered because the distance between Indonesia and Israel is very large, there are many countries in the middle, even the sea, so Indonesia can never become Israel.


The fourth country is Lebanon. Lebanon also has good military strength, especially since it has the support of Iran. Hezbollah, the organization of Lebanon, is run directly by Iran.

Lebanon borders Israel Israel and Lebanon have had wars before, if Hezbollah joins them then it can crush Israel.

The strength of Hezbollah is about 1 million people and it is equipped with all kinds of effects. Iran directly supports it and provides drones.


Pakistan is the first Muslim country and the only Muslim nuclear power It may not go to war with Israel directly, but internally it can support you and provide it with weapons.

It also has fighter jets that it has built itself JF Thunder Navy Army Air Force is the most powerful military in the world.

The strongest thing this country is doing in the region so far is nuclear power, and it has also developed badass missiles that can hit Israel directly.

It is a matter of bad luck that this country could not make its independent foreign policy, and the influence it still has is that of the United States.

The main reason for this is that its economy is not good. The entire support of the economy is on the IMF and the IMF is an organization with a number written on it.

Pakistan can attack Israel directly if it wants to, but the missile system it has is a strong system to attack Israel.

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