When and how America became a superpower Who was a superpower before?

The gross domestic product of the United States is more than 20 trillion dollars America has the most powerful military in the world and has influence over all countries directly or indirectly.

Who was the superpower before America?

Before 1800, China and India were superpowers, not America, because these two countries were the center of trade and economic activities. For 100 years, China and India were superpowers, but after 1900, America began to increase its GDP.

In this way, these states were connected with America and America became the United States. America became a huge country.  In 1867, the United States bought Alaska from Russia for just 7. 2. In the case of the Philippines, the US also paid a price of 20 billion dollars to Spain In 1946, the Philippines gained independence from the United States, but some states joined the United States, some were bought, and some were occupied by the United States. Started.

When did America’s real growth or GDP grow the most?

The real development of America took place between 1900 and 1950. In these 50 years, there were two wars, World War I and World War II. The whole of Europe fell into war, but America was strengthening its economy by giving them weapons. This war was fought in the countries of France, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, and Italy. These countries were destroyed. The United States only provided arms and troops to these countries.

In these wars, America’s economy did not become weak but became stronger. America made a good profit by selling weapons to these countries.

People of Europe started buying dollars

Destruction was everywhere in Europe. When the European people saw that the currency in their countries was going down, they started buying American dollars. Even then, the American dollar was a strong currency. The currency will benefit more Organizations like the IMF and the United Nations have been established in which the United States had a major role. After 1950, the United States and the Soviet Union emerged as two superpowers.

After the Cold War began, both countries started a proxy war with each other. The United States used to fund the opposition in other countries where Russia’s influence was greater or to activate the military rebel groups there. He used to fight wars while staying outside himself or directly killed the revolutionaries

Beginning of Operation Cyclone

The US launched Operation Cyclone to reduce the influence of the Soviet Union. Operation Cycles Begins in Afghanistan US Funds Mujahideen in Afghanistan so Mujahideen Can Fight with Russia This has greatly increased terrorism. The American policy was that the United States would have intervened in other countries, which it is also doing, and would have done its work so that country would have started to depend on the United States. would do

Amid the Cold War, the world was partitioned into two parts. Half of the countries were with the United States and half were with the Soviet Union, thus both countries became powerful

But after 1990, when the Soviet Union broke up, there was only one superpower in the world, that is America, thus America became a superpower.

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