A Complete History of Palestine and Israel

Now we tell you what is the reason for the war between Palestine and Israel before this war in history so that you can know what the real truth is.

To examine the history of these two countries, we take you back a hundred years to give you complete information.

1993 was a year when Israel and Palestine were very close to making a peace agreement with each other. This agreement could not be reached, but the conditions of these two countries turned into a war. There can be no peace

You will remember how badly Hitler killed the Jews. The Jews had no country of their own. Wherever they went, they were targeted for revenge. This is a story that is thousands of years old.

Rumors like this were spread wherever Jews went or lived, that Jews drank the blood of small children, thus filling people with hatred against Jews.

After 1800, the Jews realized that no country would accept them, so the Jews wanted a separate country. No country can interfere in a country where only Jews live and it is called the country of Jews

There, the Jews can live their lives in their ways, they have no religious freedom, no personal freedom, and there is no pressure on the Jews as to what they are doing or not doing, they are completely free. A journalist, Theodor Herzl, started a political movement in 1896 for the Jews called Zionism, for the Jews to have a separate country.

In 1896 this was not a new idea, but since the 1870s the organization had been working on this idea, which called itself the Lovers of Zion.

When did most Jews migrate to Palestine?

In 1881, the largest number of Jews immigrated to the Palestine area.

Finally, why did the Jews choose the area of Palestine, Jerusalem is the most holy place of the Jews. Remember, when the Jews came in 1881, at that time, this area was neither Gaza nor the West Bank, nor was there any Israel. All this area was Palestine. That was under the Ottoman Empire Within the Ottoman Empire, Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived in peace, there was no conflict between them, and they all lived happily with each other.

In 1915, World War I began as the British, French, and Arab revolutionaries began a war against the Ottoman Empire.

In 1881, the largest number of Jews immigrated to the Palestine area.

Finally, why did the Jews choose the area of Palestine, Jerusalem is the most holy place of the Jews. Remember, when the Jews came in 1881, at that time, this area was neither Gaza nor the West Bank, nor was there any Israel. All this area was Palestine. That was under the Ottoman Empire Within the Ottoman Empire, Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived in peace, there was no conflict between them, and they all lived happily with each other.

In 1915, World War I began as the British, French, and Arab revolutionaries began a war against the Ottoman Empire.

The British took the entire region of Palestine under their control

From 1918 to 1948, the entire area of Palestine remained under the British rule. At the same time, Hitler came to power in Germany and Hitler began to kill the Jews, wherever a Jew was seen, he was killed. Jews from Europe saved their lives and sought refuge in other countries. America gives shelter to some Jews and the majority of Jews go to Palestine.

Palestine is ruled by the British. At first, the British allowed the Jews to enter Palestine, but later they started stopping the Jews from entering British Palestine. At the same time, a movement of Jews began in Palestine to give them a free country

When did the attempt for an independent state of Palestine start?

In 1940, the Palestinian Nationalist Movement also began, and the Palestinian people also started demanding their own separate country.

When both Jews and Palestinians started protesting that they wanted a separate country, in 1948, the British Raj joined hands with both of them and says I will leave here and you both take care of this country.

The Jews should make their own separate country and the Palestinian people should also make their own separate country In 1948, the British left and gave its responsibilities to the United Nations to give them two separate countries. Here,

the United Nations makes a partition plan, how much area should be given to the Jews and how much area should be given to the Palestinian people. Will The United Nations plan to give 57% of the area to the Jews and only 43% to the Palestinians?

Jerusalem is an important holy place for three religions, so the United Nations keeps Jerusalem under international control. These three religions are Muslims, Jews, and Christians. For all three, Jerusalem is a sacred location.

The Jewish people liked this plan and named their country Israel. In 1948, a new country appeared on the world map, which is called Israel.

Why are the Arab countries not happy with this plan of the United Nations?

The rest of the neighboring Arab countries are completely unhappy with this plan of the United Nations. These Arab countries declare war against Israel. We will not give even an inch to Israel.

The Arab countries were also unhappy because the Muslims were given only 43% of the land, while the Jewish population was less and they were given 57% of the area.

The Arab countries call this war the First Arab-Israeli War of 1948

There was a historic war against a newly formed Jewish state. Five Arab nations were fighting against a Jewish state that was just Baby. The Jews knew that the rest of the world would not let them live anywhere. They could not forget what Hitler had done to them. The Jews believed that if they were to survive,

they would have to fight with the five Arab countries because their To keep you alive

Surprisingly, Israel won this war from these five countries. Israel alone defeats five of these five countries. In this war, America helped Israel in every way.

Remember that every young man and every young woman in Israel trains in the army. Every man in Israel is a soldier. Any lady up to the age of 38 can be called by the Israeli army to fight at any time in case of emergency. Israel also uses its beautiful young girls to spy on other countries, making its espionage network very strong.

When the Arab-Israeli war ended in 1949, Israel occupied some of the territories that the United Nations had given to the Palestinians according to the United Nations partition.

Palestinians don’t even have a place to live

The area of Gaza goes to Egypt and the area of the West Bank is occupied by Jordan.

Palestinians have no place to live, seven million Palestinians have to migrate to Arab countries. In 1967, the Arab-Israeli war took place once again. This war lasted for six days. This war was easily won by Israel. Israel takes over Like Gaza, West Bank, but also Egypt’s Peninsula  region is taken over by Israel

In 1964, an organization was founded in Palestine called the Palestine Liberation Organization. The Palestinians now wanted to create their own.

The PLO initially began its struggle with weapons The PLO wants no country like Israel, that’s why the USA and Israel declared the PLO a terrorist even though it was not a terrorist but a political organization.

Although the PLO wanted the freedom of their country, in any way, freedom can be achieved through love, dialogue, through fighting, the alliance of the United States and Israel declared it a terrorist organization, although you know. Now, if you do injustice to someone, his reaction will come

The PLO was recognized by the United Nations

In 1974, the United Nations recognized the PL Loco as an organization representing the Palestinians and not a terrorist organization.

1979 Peace talks between Egypt and Israel begin. Egypt is the first Muslim country to recognize Israel.

Israel returns the territory of Egypt that was occupied by Israel

The Prime Minister of Israel and the Prime Minister of Egypt were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for establishing peace between the two countries.

The Prime Minister of Egypt was assassinated

But two years later, the Egyptian prime minister is assassinated by an organization that asks why it has recognized Israel, which is our enemy.

From 1967 to 1980, Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza. During this period, Israelis began to build colonies in the West Bank and settled there permanently. Major roads are built, schools are built, hospitals are built, a complete colony is developed, and the Jewish side is The United Nations and the rest of the countries declare that it is wrong for the Jews to live in the West Bank because according to the United Nations partition, this area belongs to the Palestinians, and Israel has occupied it illegally.

In 1992, Yitzhak Rabin became the prime minister of Israel, saying that the PLO was not a terror. The PLO wants its own country. We should give the PLO its country.

The PLO officially recognizes Israel and Israel officially recognizes the PLO.

Israeli and Palestinian officials meet in Oslo

In 1993, a meeting between PLO and Israeli officials took place in Oslo, the first time Israeli Prime Minister and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat discussed how to divide our country.

In 1994, a Palestinian government was formed for the first time, which is called the Palestinian National Authority, but by that time, Israel had built most of its permanent settlements in the West Bank. The Israeli government also supports the West Bank, which is divided into three areas. Area A will be ruled by Palestine, while Area B will be ruled by both, while Area C will be ruled by Israel

In 1994, Palestine and Israel reached a peace agreement through negotiations. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat were also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for this peace agreement.

But everything ends when the Jewish extremists kill their prime minister in 1995. The Jewish people said that we will not give an inch of land to the Palestinians. This is our land. How do you make a deal with the Palestinians? For this reason, the Jewish extremists people killed their prime minister, and this agreement was also terminated by the murder

When was Hamas formed?

Hamas was born in 1987. Hamas wants no deal with Israel. Israel will no longer exist on the global map. In 1994, the people of Hamas started hating the PLO and the extremists in Israel were also very unhappy with their prime minister.

In 1996, elections were held in Palestine and Hamas boycotted these elections Clashes between Hamas and Israel began in the West Bank Israel began building walls around the West Bank to protect Jewish settlements.

In 2006, elections were held in Palestine again and the Hamas group won, PLO ie al-Fatah was defeated by Hamas by a very small margin. Out of 132 seats, Hamas won 72 seats. After the elections, the war between Hamas and al-Fatah started and these people started fighting each other, Palestine split into two parts, the Gaza Strip came under the control of Hamas, while the West Bank came under the control of Al-Fatah.

Israel has taken away the rights of the Palestinians by building colonies in the West Bank and today, rockets are being exchanged between Hamas and Israel. More than 5,000 innocent Palestinians have been martyred by airstrikes in Gaza

Israel also has the support of the United States and has no alliance with the Muslim owner. Israel must respect the UN Partition Plan vacate the West Bank and Gaza Strip and establish peace in the Middle East. America and Israel seem not to want peace

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